About Chapter 8 (PV8)

Pioneer Valley Chapter 8 (PV8) is a social club which consists of a busy, happy group of over 200 families who camp together because we think camping as a group has many advantages. We are campers who want to enjoy the fun and friendship of camping with other families with similar interests. Our members camp in everything ranging from tents, tent trailers, travel trailers, fifth wheels and types and sizes of motor homes.

We have ten regular meetings each year. Eight of our meetings (October - May) are held at our chapter hall in Granby, Ma. The remaining two meetings are held at our June and September campouts.

We also have an active Teen Club. The teens elect their own officers, organize and run their own booth at the Campshow and plan their own supervised activities.

Our Activities (non-camping)

PV8 is much more than just a camping club. We are active during the entire year. Some of our annual non-camping events include: adult and children's Christmas parties, adult and children's Halloween parties, a Spring dance and winter carnival.

Our Camp Show is the big event of the year. It is produced and operated solely by volunteer members from our club. Encompassing three buildings on the grounds of the Eastern States Exposition in West Springfield, Ma, it is one of the largest shows of its kind on the East Coast. It is a busy and fun filled four days for everyone involved.

We also publish our own monthly newsletter. The Town Crier, which is sent to each family. This news letter will keep you up to date with everything that is happening in PV8 and NAFCA, as well as provide you with information and reservation forms for all the upcoming events.

Our Camping Events

PV8 organizes at least 4 camping and outdoor functions each year. Our campouts are always fun filled, including adult and kids games, as well as other entertainment related to themes developed by the committee. We also have a nightly campfire where you can sit and relax or enjoy a story or a skit performed by the committee. In addition, NAFCA our parent organization annually hosts several events each year.


PV8 also has a very active Conservation Committee that is constantly providing educational and enjoyable programs for club members.